Somercotes Parish Council
Somercotes Village Hall
Nottingham Road
Derbyshire, DE55 4LY
Send us an EMail
Administration: 01773 603810
Bookings: 01773 609397

Amber Valley Borough Councillors
Birchwood Methodist Church
Derbyshire County Council
Dog Fouling & Litter
Leabrooks Christian Centre
Library Services
Needle Disposal
Parish Council
Pennytown Ponds Nature Reserve
Somercotes Infant School
Somerlea Park Junior School
St Thomas Parish Church
The Salvation Army Hall
Village Hall
Waste Disposal

Somercotes Parish Council
has been awarded
Quality Parish Council status
by Parish Council on Tuesday 8 May 2012
William Bailey started his printing business on Somercotes Hill between Maudie Woodlands’ shop next to the current Post Office in the late 1800s. He opened offices in and around the district and moved to their present premises on Langley Avenue in June 1914.
William Bailey and his wife seated, surrounded by their family. The little girl at the front of the photograph is the mother of Roger Brandon of Baileys Printers.
On January 15th 1890 until 1917, the Somercotes and Riddings Advertiser was published. Each week it contained adverts, local news and forthcoming events. No outside news (no mention of the ‘Titanic’ in 1912 for example) was reported.
A few advertisments and articles are shown below.
1916. Personal ‘ads’ could be placed for 6d. and some people wrote to thank others for their kindness in cases of bereavement etc. For example, a MR E HOLMES thanked MR G B KAY for organising a benefit concert at the Salem Chapel which raised £15.9s.6d to buy him an artificial leg. He stated “When the leg is made it will be real boon to me and make my life much happier”.
In 1907 MISS TAYLOR a SCIENTIFIC DRESSMAKER & COSTUMIER advertised for apprentices – The Poplars, Quarry Road, Somercotes.
In 1904 JAS DAYKIN of Somercotes Hill advertised UMBRELLA REPAIRS and RECOVERED, also agent for KIMBALLS ANTI RHEUMATISM RINGS.
1916 – J W VERNEY, SOMERCOTES HILL - Don’t worry, wear one of my RUBBER LINED TIES price 1s/6d each, saves both time and money.
1895 – Very large and well selected stock of COFFIN FURNITURE in solid brass, bronze and enamelled goods, shrouds, vests & wadding on the shortest notice – G TOWSON & SON, Somercotes.
1891 – W H WILBRAHAM Chemist, Post Office, Somercotes. INDIGESTION & BLOOD PURIFYING BUTTER 6d per packet. Large assortment of BEDPANS, BREAST EXHAUSTERS (single & double action), BATH GLOVES, TRUSSES and GUTTA PERCHA TISSUE.
One of the largest stores in Somercotes was EDWARDS, situated on the corner of Quarry Road. They sold clothes for men, women and children, household linen and dress materials; whilst on the second floor H W EDWARDS was a teacher of PIANOFORTE, ORGAN & HARMONIUM etc. and they also sold the instruments.
1916 – Notice read: THE SOMERCOTES LAND SOCIETY will assist any WORKING MAN to become his own landlord on easy terms. Plots of building land in LEAMOOR AVENUE from 1s/6d. per yard.
BURTONS BUSES 4 or 5 times a day – leave the POST OFFICE for PYE BRIDGE STATION. Parcels carefully taken to and from the station.
1916 – House and Shop to let on Nottingham Road - £18 per year – apply Wm GIBSON Ironmonger.