The Somercotes Parish Council Web Site is a guide to local services, events, news and useful contact numbers
Contact Us:

Somercotes Parish Council
Somercotes Village Hall
Nottingham Road
Derbyshire, DE55 4LY
Send us an EMail
Administration: 01773 603810
Bookings: 01773 609397

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Somercotes Parish Council
has been awarded
Quality Parish Council status

Update From The Local Police
by Parish Council on Wednesday 15 February 2012

At the Parish Council Meeting, 20th January 2012, the police reported that there had been a reduction in the number of burglaries in Somercotes.

Persistent Offenders were being recalled on license, after re-offending.

There has been a problem with diesel thefts from vehicle depots.

Operation Rocky, based on crime detection, reducing ASB and executing warrants had been a success.

Your local Safer Neighbourhood Team can be contacted by dialing ‘101’. 

A suspected arson attack at Cockshut Lane (Xmas Eve) had seen a stable block destroyed – a substantial reward has been offered, subject to a successful prosecution in court.

You can report crimes, incidents or pass information to the Police by dialing ‘101’ (all calls charged at 15p) or anonymously to ‘Crime stoppers’ on 0800 555111

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